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Japan’s biggest and scari­est haunted house

by /​ Thurs­day, 24 Sep­tem­ber 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Ice Cool Arti­cles

Let’s take a step back and try to recall our last expe­ri­ence in a haunted house. At most it was a nerve-​wrecking 15 min­utes of con­stant scream­ing. That’s not the case with this haunted house, this is Japan’s biggest and scari­est haunted house! It takes about an hour to com­plete and find your way out of the huge maze inside.


Located in Fuji-​Q high­land Amuse­ment park, is Japan’s biggest and scari­est haunted houses in the world!


It’s called the Ghost House and it’s dif­fer­ent from any other haunted house you’ve ever vis­ited! The haunted house is a huge maze and you have to decide your own start­ing route as soon as you enter. That’s not even the icing on the cake, the Ghost House designer also pre­pared many traps and pit­falls to pro­vide you with a more real­is­tic experience!


Like many great ideas, the Ghost House was inspired by an actual hos­pi­tal located at the foot of the Mount Fuji. The hos­pi­tal was indeed very famous, had lots of pro­fes­sional doc­tors, and great facil­i­ties. How­ever, the head and staff of the hos­pi­tal started to take some fresh organs from the patients who’d come for a surgery. The fresh organs of the patients were inserted into jars of chem­i­cal for preser­va­tion and sold to dis­tant places. While the bod­ies were put in a large wooden crate. Vic­tims’ spir­its were haunt­ing and killing the doc­tors. Inevitably, the entire hos­pi­tal was aban­doned. This is the urban leg­end that is still being told among the locals there.


Build­ing: 2 sto­ries (one part on the sec­ond floor)

Length of time to com­plete: Approx. 50 min.

Total floor space: Approx. 3000 m²

Dis­tance walked: Approx. 900 m

Ticket: 500 yen


The ghost fig­ures and light­ing effects are well-​designed to cre­ate a fan­tas­ti­cally scary atmos­phere, and many actors with movie-​standard makeup and cos­tumes are ready to keep you up all night long!

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