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Trea­sure Hunt & Amaz­ing Race

We cus­tomize trea­sure hunts and amaz­ing races that include loca­tions at your con­ve­nience. We find that hotels and resorts prove to be a very pop­u­lar choice of venue with trea­sure hunters as well as urban treks into the heart of the city. Our net­work of avail­able venues are vast, and we can eas­ily sug­gest and pro­vide a loca­tion suited to the nature of your event and size of your group, if you do not have a spe­cific venue in mind. If you require us to incor­po­rate our trea­sure hunt with your multi-​day cor­po­rate events, we can eas­ily adjust to accom­mo­date to your needs. We ensure that our events will allow par­tic­i­pants to explore and expe­ri­ence a wide array of open and fun environments.

Gala Din­ner

Evening events and din­ners, rang­ing from for­mal black-​tie to tra­di­tional sen­si­bil­i­ties and to every­thing in between, are more than just a bit of fun. They can be a reward for a well-​accomplished task, a big booster of employee morale or just a great way to bring a group of peo­ple who work together for a fun night out. We work with you to tai­lor a gala din­ner as you envi­sion it, and even assist in com­ing up with out-​of-​the-​ordinary meals, venues and loca­tions to make the night a spe­cial one. With Ice Cream Events host­ing your gala din­ner, all you need to worry about is mak­ing the per­fect toast and in fact; No Sweat, You Chill!.

Team Build­ing & Con­fer­ence

Team build­ing exer­cises are a great way to reward hard­work­ing employ­ees and moti­vate your work­force. They also have the added ben­e­fit of serv­ing as an excel­lent ‘thank you’ to clients, and even help your busi­ness strengthen client rela­tion­ships. (Think of the rap­port you can develop with clients on an event like solv­ing a mur­der mys­tery!). With Ice Cream Events man­ag­ing your team build­ing exer­cise, we will work hand in hand with you to ensure your goals are achieved, in good fun and time. We can arrange the extrav­a­gant (like trea­sure hunts in cities across West and East Malaysia) to afford­able ice break­ers such as archery and clay pigeon shoot­ing. What­ever you choose to do and what­ever your bud­get is, Ice Cream Events will be the fire that forges your team into a cohe­sive and tight knit unit.

Fam­ily Day

At Ice Cream Events, we know that get­ting all the details per­fect can be extra dif­fi­cult when you have your fam­ily on tow. Enjoy­ing your­self with your fam­ily should come with no has­sles and no headaches. With our expe­ri­ence at han­dling events at loca­tions all over Malaysia, get­ting Ice Cream Events to plan and run your fam­ily day is like tak­ing an aspirin for that headache before it even starts. From del­i­ca­cies in Jonker Street to evenings at a River Cruise down in Malacca, to a car­ni­val at Bukit Cahaya Park, all you need to do is tell us where you want to spend qual­ity time with your fam­ily and we will make it happen.

Con­cep­tu­al­ized Event

True to our com­mit­ment and pas­sion for think­ing out of the box, we pro­vide high con­cept events for clients who wish to try a mar­ket­ing cam­paign with a twist. We will assist you dur­ing prod­uct launches, brand­ing & pro­mo­tion, above & below the line mar­ket­ing, as well as even pre­pare tele­vi­sion, radio, social media and print com­mer­cials. For the bold, we can even cre­ate a web show to bet­ter reach your end users.

Addi­tional Ser­vices

- Sound & Light­ing Rental

- Video & Photo Production

- 3D Design & Animation

- Mas­ter of Ceremonies

- Tal­ent Sourcing

- Car­pen­try Works

- Pre­mi­ums & Printing

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