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Largest Capsule Vending Machine @ Berjaya Times Square KL - Ice Cream Events - Leading Events Management Company In Malaysia
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Largest Cap­sule Vend­ing Machine @ Ber­jaya Times Square KL

by /​ Sat­ur­day, 01 June 2013 /​ Pub­lished in Events

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Get ready and fas­ten up your strappy belts folks as Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur is square-​ready to cel­e­brate their 10th year anniver­sary with all you loyal shop­pers & cus­tomers com­menc­ing this 1st June – 29th Sept 2013. (4 months period)

They have come a long way to reach this mile­stone. Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur is indeed one of the top-​dog malls in KL that pro­vides a relax­ing yet com­fort­able retail expe­ri­ence. From lushes cloth­ing brands to deli­cious cuisines of many types brought from all around the world, Ber­jaya Times Square KL has never stopped in revamp­ing them­selves with new attrac­tions and engag­ing them­selves with lat­est top brands from across the world all in the name for their shop­pers to ben­e­fit & enjoy from. Not to for­get they hold the record for the largest fas­ci­nat­ing indoor theme park in Malaysia called; “The Ber­jaya Times Square Indoor Theme Park – located on the 5th & 7th floor”

Every­day start­ing from the dates men­tioned above, Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur will be giv­ing out lots of love. Yes we said it! Lots and loads of LOVE~! Why? Because if you come down and visit them any­time dur­ing the period men­tioned and if you are going to spend, then you are def­i­nitely going to be rewarded! You can spend on any­thing in the mall eg: retail out­lets, cin­ema, archery range, bowl­ing alley but except for pay­ing your util­ity bills, which does not count.

Largest Capsule Vending Machine @ Berjaya Times Square KL

All you shop­pers have to do out there is spend a min­i­mum of RM50 only to be enti­tled to take a shot at vend­ing the “Largest Cap­sule Vend­ing Machine” not only in Malaysia but in the world! Yes this is some­thing to run around and shout about. Remem­ber when we were kids, these machines use to be the “fort-​knox” where every child would want to get their hands on to vend a cap­sule being it toys or candy. This time folks, the toys and candy that we are look­ing at here ranges from 42LED TV’s, IPad Mini’s, Polaroid Cam­eras, Dig­i­tal Cam­eras, Relax­ing SPA vouch­ers for you lovey-​dovey cou­ples and much more…!

Largest Capsule Vending Machine @ Berjaya Times Square KL

This “Largest Cap­sule Vend­ing Machine” is tow­er­ing at a height of 30 feet right smack in the mid­dle on the ground floor of BTS(main entrance). With over 180,000++ cap­sules (prizes) and grand lucky draw vouch­ers will be handed out to all you shop­pers. Not to for­get on the week­ends the Ice Cream Events cool crew will be there to fid­dle around and cre­ate hype whilst giv­ing out shopping/​retail vouch­ers and game prizes cour­tesy of Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur. There are also K-​Pop dance per­for­mances and insta­gram com­pe­ti­tion dur­ing the weekends.

Largest Capsule Vending Machine @ Berjaya Times Square KL

So if you are free, feel­ing lucky or just bored on the week­ends, we would highly rec­om­mend you to head down to Ber­jaya Times Square KL and pay us a visit, we rest assure that you will enjoy your time with us. Look­ing for­ward to see ALL of you there!

Till then, take good care friends & fam­ily, as always keep it cool and fresh! CHEERS :)

Ice Cream Events Malaysia — KL

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