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Fri­day, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2015 14:15

Happy Malaysia Day 2015

malaysia day

The moment you realise that Sep­tem­ber 16 was the actual day Malaysia as-​we-​know-​it was born, you’d realise how great that moment was in his­tory that you’d cheat on that other moment from 1957, marry this one and raise a fam­ily of tiny lit­tle moments in the future.

Berjaya Times Square Unlock In 60 Seconds (1)

From 26 May till 21 Sep­tem­ber 2014, Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur invites you to go on an adren­a­line rush with its lat­est cam­paign, Unlock in 60 Seconds!

As an event man­age­ment Malaysia rep­re­sen­ta­tive, we were glad to play a part of it.

Fri­day, 01 Feb­ru­ary 2013 17:37

The Walk­ing Dead Sea­son 3 Part 2

Ice Cream Events com­pany in KL was hon­ored and to be cho­sen by Fox Inter­na­tional to man­age the launch­ing of “The Walk­ing Dead Sea­son 3 Part 2″ cam­paign. The pub­lic had tons of fun with our tal­ented zom­bies roam­ing around giv­ing out lim­ited edi­tion TWD free­bies. We went to places such as Bukit Bin­tang Lot 10, SEGi Col­lege Sub­ang, Tay­lors Uni­ver­sity Lake­side Cam­pus & KL Sen­tral Sta­tion. To those of you who were trau­ma­tized, please note that those ‘zom­bies’ isn’t real but merely human with great makeup.

The Walking Dead Premier

These hand­picked pho­tographs are sure to por­tray an unusual per­spec­tive of well-​known things, places or phenomena.


#1 Known as the Dragon’s head, the Great Wall of China begins right on the shore of the sea at the Shan­haiguan District.


Fel­low Malaysians, put those Bata shoes down, throw those Maggi pack­ets back into your top shelf. Just Kidding!

Here are the 9 brands you might have prob­a­bly thought were from good ol’ Malaysia, but in truth are from some exotic far­away land!

Thurs­day, 03 Sep­tem­ber 2015 20:43

What Did Famous Malaysians Study in Col­lege?

Rich & Famous Cover Photo

What Did Famous Malaysians Study in College?

Did Joel Neoh and Yuna work in a career related to their degrees?

Sat­ur­day, 08 Octo­ber 2011 17:45

8TV Fun Hunt

The 8TV Fun Hunt was a suc­cess done by the Events Man­age­ment Malaysia cool crew. Teams arrived in the morn­ing and started to dec­o­rate their cars based on the Go-​Green theme. They then pro­ceeded to Sri Pen­tas for the reg­is­tra­tion and also had a delight­ful break­fast before the trea­sure hunt brief­ing Event In KL took place.

Fri­day, 28 August 2015 17:00

10 Unusual Degrees You Never Knew Existed

Unusual Degrees intro

We all know that the major­ity of uni­ver­sity degrees sound bor­ing enough to put us to sleep. Well, if the tra­di­tional courses aren’t for your taste buds, here’s a list of unusual (and very real) degrees that you can study!

Tues­day, 25 August 2015 16:48

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Merdeka 2015

That warm, patri­otic feel­ing is actu­ally your organs slowly cook­ing. Just kid­ding, it’s love. Because we all love Malaysia.

We love its food; we love the peo­ple; we love Farah Ann; we love the country’s cul­ture; mostly we love food.

Sat­ur­day, 24 Sep­tem­ber 2011 14:27

I-​Scream Amaz­ing Trail A Suc­cess!

04Our event man­age­ment Malaysia trea­sure hunt on the 6th of August was an enjoy­ment with­out a doubt. We kick started the event at 9.30am with a 1 hour brief­ing for our par­tic­i­pants right before flag­ging off. Ques­tion papers and clues were then given out at the flag off point at SeGi Col­lege main gate. Con­tes­tants then made their way swerv­ing and solv­ing clues to obtain their answers for their hunt ques­tions based on event com­pa­nies in KL, branded out­lets and other ser­vice providers.

The chal­lenge sta­tions are where all of it got spiced up. Par­tic­i­pants had to undergo two chal­lenges which one out of the chal­lenges almost made them blow smoke out! They were each given a bag of self-​made spicy bis­cuits. Every team mem­ber would have to fin­ish it, prior to that stick their tongue out to show the mar­shals that they have com­pletely fin­ished it. To stir it up, no water was given for con­sump­tion dur­ing the chal­lenge and many tears of joy were seen on the day.

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