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Happy Malaysia Day 2015

Fri­day, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2015 by

malaysia day

The moment you realise that Sep­tem­ber 16 was the actual day Malaysia as-​we-​know-​it was born, you’d realise how great that moment was in his­tory that you’d cheat on that other moment from 1957, marry this one and raise a fam­ily of tiny lit­tle moments in the future.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Tues­day, 25 August 2015 by

Merdeka 2015

That warm, patri­otic feel­ing is actu­ally your organs slowly cook­ing. Just kid­ding, it’s love. Because we all love Malaysia.

We love its food; we love the peo­ple; we love Farah Ann; we love the country’s cul­ture; mostly we love food.

Berjaya Times Square Unlock In 60 Seconds (1)

From 26 May till 21 Sep­tem­ber 2014, Ber­jaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur invites you to go on an adren­a­line rush with its lat­est cam­paign, Unlock in 60 Seconds!

As an event man­age­ment Malaysia rep­re­sen­ta­tive, we were glad to play a part of it.

01 Ames Room

BER­JAYA Times Square Kuala Lumpur earned a cov­eted spot in the Malaysia Book of Records for dis­play­ing the first Ames Room in the coun­try. The Ames Room was invented and intro­duced by Amer­i­can oph­thal­mol­o­gist Adel­bert Ames in 1935.

Guinness World Record Adjudication Day

The 20th of July 2013 has slashed a great mile­stone for Ber­jaya Times Square & Ice Cream Events Man­age­ment Malaysia in the his­tory line. That was the glo­ri­ous day where the “World’s Largest Cap­sule Vend­ing Machine” built by BTS in con­junc­tion with their 10th Anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion was adju­di­cated and cer­ti­fied by the Guin­ness World Records!

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